Titleimage: Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics (AEC)

The Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics (AEC) has been founded in 2011. Its aim is to foster high-level research and teaching in fundamental physics at the University of Bern. The main focus is on experimental and theoretical particle physics and its applications (e.g. medical physics), as well as on the related spinoff and outreach activities.

The AEC has been initially established with contribution of the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP) and of the Laboratory for High-Energy Physics (LHEP) of the University of Bern. With its over 100 members the AEC is among the largest university groups of scientists working on particle physics in Switzerland, and a strong player internationally.

Our educational activities are organized together with Physics and Astronomy.


All seminars taking place through the semester can be found here.


Here you can find recent news fromthe AEC, ITP and LHEP.